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Newsflash 21 August 2011: coming soon: Santa Barbara from Honduras

   Tell Us  ® Est 3

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Coffee tasted:  

Brewing method that was used:

Plunger (Bodum) Drip Filter (permanent filter) Drip Filter (paper) Espresso machine Stovetop Espresso  Turkish

Fragrance of ground coffee pleasant   neutral   unpleasant   no opinion

Aroma of brewed coffee pleasant   neutral   unpleasant   no opinion

Body (syrupiness) full bodied (rich)   medium bodied  light bodied

Acidity (brightness, tartness) high acidity  medium acidy    low acidity

Flavour (the taste)  I like it   drinkable   off-taste for me  no opinion

Tell us more: specific flavours (e.g. lemon, berry, chocolate, earthy). Any comments, compliments or complaints - we are keen to hear them.

Aftertaste  good finish   not noticable   bad aftertaste   no opinion

Comparative overall personal rating of this coffee:  top third   middle third   bottom third

Information below is optional

First Name                       



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