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Newsflash 21 August 2011: coming soon: Santa Barbara from Honduras

   Chanchamayo, Peru  ® Est 3


Chanchamayo is an organically certified shade-grown coffee from the western slopes of the Andes in Peru. The coffee is grown at high altitudes around of 1700 metres in the valley around the Chanchamayo river.

The taste is characterized by good acidity and has a balanced, medium body. It has a slightly nutty flavour in conjunction with the classic South American brightness.

The   Chanchamayo Valley , hot, green countryside famous for the production of fruit and coffee, its impressive waterfalls, and its orchid fields. Here you have to be careful with the altitude, since being a valley, the drop in altitude is rather sudden down towards the bordering towns. The climate is humid and cloudy, with average temperatures around 20 degrees Celsius


Chanchamayo coffee farmers

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